Friday, February 21, 2014

Sunset Series # 2 ~ The Tan

So Wednesday night was my second run in the Brooks Sunset Series around the Tan.

Of course being in Melbourne anything's possible when it comes to the weather. We copped the first big down pour we had in weeks and not to mention some thunder in there as well.  The weather was crazy but it wasn't gonna stop me and Louise. Most of our friends who were also going to run in the event, dropped off like flies, but I can always rely on Lou.

Huddled under tree waiting and watching the rain roll through

 The hardest part was waiting around the half n hour prior to the start of the race. It was pouring and we all huddled under any under tree / tent we could find. The MC joked about how at the same event this time last year they were handing out ice blocks due to extreme heat and had to postpone the starting time.
That's Melbourne for you! 
Lou and I getting our selves ready

The numbers were well down in comparison to the zoo run and as a result we were a bit excited cause it meant we got a possie right up the front on the starting line. As we took off, I was worried. Everyone seem to fly past me, around the 5 min per km speed and here I was plodding along about 6.30-7 min per km. It took me a little while to get into a groove as just around the first corner we had to tackle the Anderson Street hill. The famous hill that everyone loves to hate. In the back of my head, I kept hearing Dad's words, "Attack the hills, Attack"... And that I did. I was so happy that not only did I fly up the hill, but I didn't give up, even though plenty of the runners around me didn't even seem to want to try. Once we got up that hill the rest of the first lap was pretty cruisy. It was drizzling but otherwise perfect conditions.

Once I got through the first few K's I finally got myself into a rhythm and was feeling pretty good. That was until I completed the first lap only to see the first competitor run over the finishing line. He lapped me and did two laps to my one. I couldn't believe it..  I just had to keep my head down and keep going. So back up the Anderson St I had to go for the 2nd time. I still attacked it, but was a little bit slower this time. By the last couple of K's the rain just got heavier and heavier, but for a strange reason I actually really enjoyed it.

I finally made it over the finish line in 53 mins. I was stoked. A new PB and three mins quicker than my zoo run two weeks ago. Whilst it may seem slow to others, it was a personal best for me and I was just happy to get through it after the shambles of my longer run last Saturday. When I did my first 8kms around the tan in May last year it took me 58 mins so I'm very happy with my progress and how far I've come over the last twelve months.

So thanks Lou for not piking. I really enjoyed our night and run together. Let's bring on the final run of the series in two weeks time and smash our PB's yet again. 
Night all, and
Happy Running x 

Soaked and walking back to the train station

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When runs don't go to plan

Sorry it's taken a little while to get this one up but I thought it was important to share this and not just gloat and celebrate my good runs.

On Saturday my plan was simple - Get up, go to our transformers super sess, then do a 11 km run. Each week I need to keep building my k's in order for me to get to my half distance by July so I was keen to get out there and break my standard 8-10km's.

By the time we finished three rounds of our circuit it was 10 am, hot, humid and the flies were everywhere. I was also buggered after backing up from bodypump on Friday.  I thought to myself, "I don't think I can do 11 km's this morning, maybe I should just do a really good 4 km lap instead." Then I thought, "Nope just suck it up, do the 11ks and stop finding an excuse" ....  So off I went knowing that I was doing everything right but that's about as far as I got.

I got through the first 3 k's ok and was feeling pretty good. I thought, righto only another 3 to go then I've past half way and can turn around for home again. But noooo, I got another kilometer down the road and started to struggle.

I thought no worries, things like this happen I'll just do intervals instead. So I managed to keep that up for the next 2 k's whilst flicking the away stupid flies that just wouldn't go away but that's when my body just gave in. It just didn't want to go anymore.. I don't know if it was because I hadn't done much running that week given the city had been blanketed in smoke from the bushfires and maybe the air quality still wasn't that good, or whether my body was just exhausted.

Whilst I was enjoying exploring a new part of the river and track I hadn't seen before, I was still five kilometers from the car and was really annoyed with myself as I walked half the way back to the car. I guess I shouldn't beat myself up over it and should have just trusted my instincts. Or maybe I'm wrong, what should I do here friends, Id be interested to hear your tips / advice.

Thanks for listening! Time now for me to get over it and just get back out there. Luckily for me the 2nd Sunset series race is tomorrow night which will hopefully help get me back on track again.

So wish me luck and Happy Running

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Challenge Accepted

By jingoes i think my little sis might be right. About what you might say??? Well, tonight my sister and I were chatting about my goals in terms of where I was at with my running and when I was wanting to run my first half mara. We came to the conclusion that I'm doing everything right at the moment and July wasn't unrealistic at all. However, she suggested why not aim to run the distance by July, then build on improving my time and strength for a half by October. With that in mind, my decision was made. Soooo, drum roll please... My first half marathon will be on Sunday 12th October at yep, you guessed it, the Melbourne Marathon Festival

I feel really comfortable now with my decision and hope by doing it this way I can enjoy the event rather than just trying to get through it. I love the Melbourne Marathon festival as you get to finish the event by running into the MCG. Nothing can top that. Last time when I did the 5km event I go really emotional just by the amount crowds of people there cheering you on. Gawd knows how I'll be if I can finish a half marathon. So Mum, Dad, Amy, Peter, (or anyone else who would like to be in my support crew), mark it in your diaries cause I'd love for you to be there cheering me over the finishing line. Think I'll need all the support I can get. 

Now with my challenge accepted, I have 240 days to get crackin and reach my next goal. I've updated my run calendar for 2014 to keep me motivated. Just a  shame there's not a more 15 km events out there so if you do know any please let me know. I'll also continue to post my race results here.

That's it from me, 
happy running x 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sunset Series # 1 ~ Zoo Run

So last night was the first race of the 3 race Sunset Series at the Melbourne Zoo.

We were so excited and slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people that had gathered on the oval for a mid week run. Thankfully after a 31 degree in Melbourne by race time it had cooled down just enough to make it bearable. Although most of the run was in shade, it was still quite warm, and I ran most of the race quite thirsty as they didn't have anywhere near enough drink stations given how warm the night was. I think I counted 2.

It was definitely the funnest fun run I've ever done. We got to run past the zebras and giraffes and my fav big bear.  Unfortunately the circuit missed the elephants sand my meerkats but I did manage a quick minute stop to get a selfie with the giraffe. It was also lovely to randomly bump into another friend and half of it with her. We also some how manage to catch up with the other girls and cross over the finish line together.  

Even though it was the funnest fun run I've done it was by far the hardest. Three quarters of the course was all uphill, and then as we run up the boardwalk through the monkeys, we were limited in space and were squished onto a two person wide path and were forced to walk that section, which obviously played a factor in our end result and overall time.

In the end I was pretty happy with my time of 56 min 22 secs. Considering three quarters of it seem to be up hill and we were slowed down at the monkeys I was pretty much on par with best run.

So thanks girls for making evening such and enjoyable one. And everyone else who missed out, it's definitely one to put on your calendar for next year.

Dont forget you can view all my race results here.

Night all, and happy running x