Friday, November 21, 2014


It's all about the bling
Firstly, apologies for being a little slack with my blogging since my half marathon. To be perfectly honest, I haven't been doing much running since. Just my weekly run group with friends and a couple of park runs. I hadn't run more than 6k's since.

I was under prepared and feeling pretty anxious about it and had no one to blame but myself. I was even considering downgrading from the 15 k event to the 5. But thankfully I have very good friends and encouraged me to get out there and JFDI... But I needn't worry cause it ended up working in my favour as my legs felt so fresh and ready and raring to go.

Our race was scheduled to start at 8.20 so me and the girls, (Hayley and Katherine) decided that a taxi into town was the best option as the first train wouldn't have got us in on time. Overnight there had been a massive thunderstorm and it poured rain the entire night. It was still bucketing down as we made our way into the city and huddled under the shelter of the MCG. DJ Havana Brown kept us entertained and soon enough the starter gun went off and we were off and running. Through green confetti and all...

As with most fun runs, the first few kilometers flew by... It was still drizzling but not as heavy as it had been during the night. It was actually quite refreshing for a change instead of running in the usual heat. There was plenty of entertainment along the way, and before I knew I made it to the 8's.. I was starting to tire but thankfully just around the corner was another a drink station. So I had a gel and a Gatorade, and it was like boom!! I went into another gear, which was exactly what I needed for the last 5.

As we turned the last corner, I finally saw the finish line off in the distance and went for it. For the last 1.5 kilometers I managed to keep a 5.20 per km pace, and geez it felt good. Just need to work on keeping that pace for an entire race. A girl can dream hey :) 

So there you have it folks another big fun run done and dusted. As I mentioned after my half I'm really excited to just focus on getting quicker now and to just enjoy. The next challenge will be the Susan's classic 10km in 2 weeks, which I'm hoping to crack the hour, or if not, at least a PB...

So until next time, night all and happ running,
We did it!! Hayley, me and Katherine
My Official Results