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Our poor range hood! |

So Monday night, we were having a dinner party - cooking in 36 deg. Crazy yes, but everything was under control until the oil decided to bubble over, and flames went whoosh straight up the range hood and destroyed it.. Thankfully our neighbour had an extinguisher and the fire was put out in minutes however, it didn't stop 3 fire trucks from arriving to check it all out.. Thankfully amongst all the commotion everyone was safe including our rabbits, and there was only minimal damage around the stove but the range hood did not survive yet, somehow the $10 saucepan from Coles did.
The funny thing about this whole ordeal, was that once it begun to sink in what just happened, the first thing that came to mind that worried me most, was how am i gonna be able to stick to 12wbt without an oven / stove for the next few days???
I'm pleased to report that everything has since been restored back to normal and as we wait for a new range hood, we can still use the oven / stove and I really only missed out one night!! Few!!
The no. 1 lesson in all of this is please if you don't have one already - go out and by urselves an extinguisher or fire blanket. This can happen to anyone!!!
Weigh In Day
So, back to business and in more traditional 12wbt blog news, today is weigh in day, and I'm pleased to report that I'm down another 500 grams, which means a total of 3.2kilos gone since pre-season. I'm feeling great and half way to my goal weight. I actually want to get up an exercise each day, and feel bad when I don't. Now I never thought I'd be saying that. I guess, now that I'm starting to see results and people are noticing, it's all the motivation I need.....
And finally, given the above events not much has happened in my foodie world due to having to rely on electric woks etc instead. Hopefully things will be back to normal next week!
Nigh Night all and hope you're all enjoying this cool change!
Spinach and Two Cheese Omlette
Beef Fillet with Roast Pumpkin, Beetroot and Gingered Spinach
Cajun chicken salad
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