If any of you would like to contribute to my Fun Run Fund, donations would be greatly appreciated!! Annoyingly most of these event cost anywhere between $50 and $80 which quickly adds up, however it keeps me motivated and I have a great support crew who encourage and run along side me! Thank you transformers - you girls rock! The wish list ones are ones I'm keen to do but if I can afford them as they're about $60 to register!
So here it is:
Sun 19th - New Year's Resolution Fun - 6km
Wed 5th - Summer Series (1 of 3): The Zoo - 8km
Wed 19th - Summer Series (2 of 3): The Tan - 8km
Sun 2nd - Grand Prix Colour Run - 5km (wish list)
Wed 5th - Summer Series: (3 of 3) - Princess Park - 8km
Sun 13th - Run for the Kids - 15km's
Sun 11th - Mothers Day Classic - 8km's
Sat 26th - Great Australian Outback - My first Half Mara
Sun 27th - Run Melbourne - My first Half Mara
(Can't decide between these two)
Sun 24th - Perth City to Surf - Half Mara?
Yarra Valley Grape Run - 13 km's
Melbourne Marathon - Half Mara
Warragul Half Mara
Melbourne City to Sea - 14 km's
Sussans Women's Classic - Half Mara ?
Still trying to decide on where to do my first half mara so any thoughts / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to do in Paris / the outback or Melbourne. Guess it will come down to finances in the end. Am hoping July isn't too ambitious - only time will tell.
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