I had my alarm set for 9 am but hit the snooze and didn't get up til 11. Whoops.. No. 1 mistake hey... I had a quick bite to eat and then procrastinated for about an hour as to whether to even go out at all.. Thankfully commonsense prevailed and I snapped out of it. I thought just get out there and at least do the 4km loop and hopefully once I get going I might just wanna keep going.
I finally got my butt into the car and headed down to the river. Conditions were perfect. I enjoyed the run but pretty much just went through the motion. On a positive note, I got through the first 3k's and felt good so decided to extend my run to the 7k loop instead of the 4. I smashed it. I normally plod along around the 6.40 - 7 min per km pace but managed to keep a pace up on 6.30 mpk, so was pretty happy with that.
It may not have been the 17k's I was suppose run, but I know I have time up so sleeve til my half, so one slip up aint gonna matter too much. The best thing was I still got out and did something. The old me, would have just stayed at home and not moved off the couch.. I'll just have to make sure I get out and make up for it next weekend.
And on that note, only 48 sleeps to go.. Just a little bit scared..
Night all and happy running xo
I think that is your body telling you you needed the sleep! At least you got out there.