Monday, August 18, 2014

A Day of Firsts ~ 16ks

I can proudly say that yesterday was my LONGEST RUN EVER!! And better yet, it was the first time I really started to feel comfortable with that distance. 

It was a day of many firsts, so here goes,

It was the first time I listened to my body and had a rest day before my long run. I even took myself off to a local massage therapist and enjoyed a painful but much needed sports deep tissue massage. I also had a Hammer fuel electrolyte to make sure I was well hydrated the day before my run. I've always taken them after my runs, but never thought of taking them before. 

It was the first time I'd ever tried a Gel. I was little bit nervous about it as Id heard so many different stories about them but I wasn't gonna leave it to Race Day to try so it was now or never. I decided to try it at the mid way point, just cause it seemed logical. Plus, I also knew there was a drinking tap roughly at that point so I could gush it down with. Surprisingly, I didn't mind the taste, and i didn't gag. Bonus I thought. Off I went again feeling pretty pleased with myself that I could not only keep it down and but I didn't break into cramps. 

It was the first time I ventured into the reserve on the other side of the bridge. Normally I would turn at one of the bridges but I needed to add on an extra couple of kilometers and thought why not. It was time to enjoy a new part of the river, and that I did. 


But the biggest first time of all was that I got to the last few kilometers and didn't feel sore or tired. Mentally I was in a happy place and I was able to finish strongly.... Big Big relief...  

It was to be my LONGEST RUN EVER!!! I couldn't be happier...

My records never stood a chance. But importantly, for first the time in a while, I felt that I just might be able to do this. And that is scary, but exciting. I don't know whether it was a combination of all these firsts, but something definitely worked so I'll be sticking with it..

And on that note, only 55 days to go!
Night all and Happy Running xo



  1. Ack! I just posted but it disappeared. Was just saying that it's exciting when you are heading into unchartered territory in these high kms. Brilliantly done! I've never tried gels or gus, I might have to give it a trial for next year when I want to start climbing with kms again. Oh and here's another coincidence, my mum was born in and grew up in Warragul!

  2. It sure is an amazing feeling isn't it. Thanks Carol.. And yes, crazy to think how such a small world this place can be. Crazy huh..
